Saturday, November 6, 2010

How Coach Talkes to you!

Have you ever wondered how Coach talks to you?
How that little voice in your head just says "BUY ME BUY ME"? Well Coach uses 2 different types of marketing to reach you and make you buy things with money that you many not have :)!
Coach brands there products at different price ranges so that they reach a larder demographic. To the young college student to the hardworking business women (and even the hard working man). Coach calls this "accessible luxury"
They also use 2 different ways to get you to buy: 1 being a Direct- to - Customer using online, stores and catalogs. They also use Indirect way through department stores and other third-party retailers.
But it wasn't always like this, when Coach was just beginning they ONLY catered to the well how do you say.... Your mother and grandmothers generation. But that all changed in 1980's when the completely changed to target the Mothers Daughter and there sons with there Coach to business line to target the business person in you! With this sift business nearly doubled.

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