Wednesday, November 17, 2010

New Marketing Strategies (thought up by me)

So in my genius Brian i have come up with things that Coach might want to do to be even more awesome. I mean but how much more awesome can one company get? lol

I have 2 that I'm going to discuss today!

    1. I saw an ad on one of my other clothing's websites WWW.MAKEMECHIC.COM. They had something for there mailing list only called a 1 hour coupon where for one hour (depending on your time zone). For one hour they would give a discount if they had the code. I think that is is a great idea for coach to boost there online buying customers who don't have have Coach store in there area (major fail lol). This will also boost sales and help get the word out on the Coach Purses.

2. The free gift teaser. What?!? Everyone loves a free gift. Right? Hellz yea! so that's another Promotional and Marketing strategy. I know when i got to a store and have a coupon for something free well all know what you are going to buy more than what you came in for. Giving something free to people (Because we all know that people will come for the free gift) will not only get them in the store but it will also make them.....Look around a little bit and 9 times out 10 they will buy your store.

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